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Trademark Registration: Create List of Goods and Services with the Goods & Services Manager

Tip by Consumer | 2013-01-28 at 01:39

Today, I have a little tip for all of you who are about to register a trademark and want to create the list of goods and services: On this web page, the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) provides a Goods & Services Manager with which it is possible to quickly and easily create a list of goods and services and to automatically translate this list into several languages. This translation may be required, for example, for an international trademark registration.

To create a directory, proceed as follows: First of all, click on "Browse" or "Search" on the left. Here, you can find single terms accepted by the WIPO. With "Browse", you can list all items of a class, with "Search" you are able to search for specific keywords in the terms.

Next, you click on the goods and services that you would like to add to your list. After that, the terms appear on the right side. This is your final list.

If you have added all items you would like to have in your list, you can click on "Export list" on the top or you can translate this list to French or Spanish. This ensures that you get a correct and presumably accepted list and translation.


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