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No Mobile Data Abroad

Question by Guest | 2015-12-13 at 12:25

Although I do not have any problems to receive mobile data in my own country with 4G using my smartphone, in my neighbor country I have no mobile data transfer.

By the way, the phone reception seems to be good, bought nevertheless I cannot receive any mobile data. Can someone help me?

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That means, you do not have any programs to receive calls but all that has to do with Internet (mobile data) is not working? Or is it just not working with 4G?

If you are abroad, you have to know, that you are using data roaming. Out of that, different error sources may arise.

Most mobile phones and smartphones have data roaming disabled by default, so that it is necessary to go to the settings and activate it before it is working. The reason for this setting is that especially mobile data can be very expensive abroad.

If this is not the reason, it can also be about your contract. For example, there are contracts only allowing a limited data speed in some countries. That may be the explanation for that you do not reach 4G connections abroad. Another thing could be that your contract do not allow mobile data abroad at all, but most contracts today should allow it.
2015-12-13 at 13:52

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