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OpenOffice: Meaning of gray shaded Spaces and Hyphens

Question by Guest | 2018-01-30 at 21:31

I got an OpenOffice document with the file extension ODT (Open Document Text) from a colleague.

In this document, there are some strange spaces and hyphens, which are shaded with gray color. I have looked at these signs a little closer, but I can not figure out what that could mean. When printing, the color is not displayed, here the corresponding characters look just like a normal space or a normal hyphen. Likewise, the characters do not appear to be tagged with a background color. The grey color seems to be independent of the highlighting.

Can someone explain to me what those mysterious signs are?

3Best Answer3 Votes

OpenOffice marks non breaking spaces and hyphens with a gray background.

Non breaking spaces and hyphens are characters that can not be word-wrapped. If you write to a line with a non breaking space or hyphen between two words at the end, you'll see that OpenOffice always wraps the two words together into a new line and never breaks them.

The purpose of these signs is to keep related words together, such as numbers, chemical formulas, or fixed terms. In OpenOffice, you can enter a non breaking space with CTRL + Shift + Space, a protected hyphen can be inserted with CTRL + Shift + Hyphen.
2018-01-31 at 16:06

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