11 Vote

Placeholder %0num% in File-Renamer vs FileRenamer

Question by Guest | 2018-04-21 at 22:41

Why does the placeholder %0num% appear in FileRenamer but not in File-Renamer, the “File > Only rename Files” menu function?

22 Votes

Can you specify in more detail what you mean with the difference between FileRenamer and File-Renamer?

You can find an overview of all placeholders that can be used in the tool here.

If you want to have the result of %0num%, you can use %num% and use the menu settings > numbering to specify that the numbers should be written with leading zeros.
2018-04-21 at 22:46

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00 Votes

I'm sorry, of course: File-Renamer is the dialog that appears when you click on the File > Only rename Files... menu of the Image Resizer program.

FileRenamer is the program of the same name :)

Sorry my english!!
2018-04-22 at 20:32

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11 Vote

Okay, if you want to know why there are different placeholders available in both programs: it is because those programs are different programs.

In more detail, the FileRenamer included in ImageResizer is an old implementation of the renamer, the stand-alone tool is the current one.
2018-04-22 at 23:42

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00 Votes

Thank you so much Stephan for taking the time to answer!
2018-04-23 at 08:17

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4Best Answer4 Votes

Update: The %0num% placeholder can be used in the File Renamer by now.

Alongside, you can also placeholders like %00num%, %000num to %000000num%. With %0num% you can number files with one leading zeros, %00num% adds two leading zeros and so on.

The old %num% placeholder that can be configured in the settings remains untouched from this and can still be used as before.
2020-11-30 at 21:59

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