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Is it better to keep battery full or empty when not using device for a longer time?

Question by Mandy | Last update on 2024-01-01 | Created on 2013-12-17

What is the best state for a battery if you will not use your mobile phone, smartphone, MP3 player or laptop for a longer time?

Is it better to completely discharge the battery before or should you better fully charge it?

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Neither. The best is to keep the battery at a charging level of about 50 to 70 percent.

Even if you are not using your device, the battery will constantly lose a little charge with time. Therefore, if you completely drain your battery before storage, it may happen that the battery is emptied so far that it can not take new energy any more and it is destroyed. Technical details about this fact can be found under the keyword "deep discharge".

If you fully charge the battery before storage, it may happen that the battery will lose some capacity over time and that it can not keep as much as before. That is why, it is advised to remove the battery from the laptop when always running it only on mains operation.

During storage, you should also pay attention to the temperature (not too hot, not too cold).
Last update on 2024-01-01 | Created on 2013-12-17

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