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May I take drinks bought behind the security check into the plane?

Question by Guest | 2018-05-11 at 20:36

I have the habit of drinking water all the time and soon a long flight is coming up for me. However, on flights you usually get only that small mini mug with something to drink, so that I am already afraid and anxious how I can survive the long flight.

The problem is that liquids are not allowed to be taken along in the aircraft and have to be handed over at the check-in or security check. Therefore, I can hardly take a bottle of water with me.

Now, however, it came to my mind that there is those duty-free sale area behind the control and if I'm not mistaken, you can also buy drinks there.

My idea was to just buy my drinks there and smuggle them into the plane. Maybe someone has already come up with this idea? I do not know if that's legal, but I'd like to hear your opinion. Would that be possible in principle (if you do not get caught)?

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That's not a problem and not illegal at all. It is not allowed to take any liquids you bring with you on board of the plane, but everything you buy in the duty-free area or behind the controls can be taken along without any problems.

You can drink your water bottle bought there on the plane, you do not need to hide it.

The only problem will be that the water is completely overpriced there. So much for Duty Free is super cheap! Lastly, I had to pay three bugs for a small 0.5 liter water bottle there!
2018-05-11 at 23:25

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