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Ugly Smileys in Text Messages on the Android Smartphone

Question by Guest | 2017-10-25 at 14:32

Is there any possibility to show the beautiful smileys of WhatsApp also in the text messages and the message history?

Each time when I am typing a traditional smiley like :-) or ;-) in one of my short messages, the message app is converting this smiley into a pretty bad-looking nasty bunch with a face. This goes so far that you even cannot recognize the actual smiley at all.

I am using a smart phone with the operating system Android (Samsung Galaxy) and on this phone this function seems to be the standard (at my friends mobile phones, the smileys are looking the same). Where can I find the settings to change it?

00 Votes

I also get angry every time I get a new text message on my Android smartphone because of those ugly smileys. Really annoying! Therefore, I have often searched the Internet for a solution to get rid of those pictures or to load another icon set, but I have never found anything. Apparently the smileys are so deeply anchored in the system, that you have hardly a change to change the icons used.

Fortunately, I am writing more and more over WhatsApp anyway, and the smileys are so nice there.

If someone still finds a solution, please write. I am always willing to replace these ugly smileys.
2017-10-25 at 15:04

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