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WhatsApp: No picture anymore and only one gray hook

Question by Guest | 2018-04-29 at 21:08

My Whats App is getting more and more weird! Since yesterday, I no longer see the profile picture of my best friend and now even sending messages does not seem to work anymore.

Usually, first you can see two gray hooks under your message and when the message is read, the hooks become blue. Meanwhile, only one single gray hook is displayed at the messages to my friend.

Everything else works the same way on my other contacts. Can it be that I have caught a virus? What can I do to see the picture again and get my messages send again?

1Best Answer1 Vote

These signs indicate that you have been blocked.

If you are blocked by a contact, you can not see the picture of the contact or write messages to the contact. Typical indications are that it looks as if the person has not set a picture and that the messages only get one gray hook. That is, the messages are indeed forwarded to the WhatsApp server, but no longer delivered.

Another reason, of course, may be that your friend really took out her photo and turned the phone off. Just call your friend at his or her normal mobile number, maybe you will learn more then.
2018-04-30 at 19:28

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