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Why are most construction machines yellow or orange?

Question by Ive | 2017-10-27 at 19:19

I noticed that most construction and building machines, such as cranes, dumpers, excavators, dump trucks or even concrete machines are painted with a yellow color. Sometimes the yellow goes into orange, but mostly the devices are designed yellowish.

What is the reason? Is there any rational reason for this or even a law? Cars are more gray or black nowadays. Why not the equipment on the construction areas?

4Best Answer4 Votes

On the construction site, man and machine are working side-by-side and close together. For this reason, every construction machine must be as salient and noticeable as possible in order to be visible and to avoid accidents.

Therefore, excavators, cranes, coaters and therelike are painted in the most conspicuous colors, such as yellow, red, orange or another warning color, so that they stand out from the dust, the ground and the other colors on a construction area or roadworks. After all, it would be fatal if a construction worker could not see a construction machine coming.

However, the exact color depends on several factors. First of all, the color of the construction machines often depends on the respective company or the manufacturer of the equipment. For example, some companies are painting their machines as a recognition symbol rather yellow, others red. Partially, however, the colors are also regulated by law.

For example, in section 7 "Safety identification of work and safety vehicles as well as workplace equipment" (Sicherheitskennzeichnung von Arbeits- und Sicherungsfahrzeugen sowie Arbeitsstelleneinrichtungen) from the German "Guidelines for the safety of workstations on roads" (Richtlinien für die Sicherung von Arbeitsstellen an Straßen, RSA), in subclause 7.1 "Work vehicles, safety vehicles" (Arbeitsfahrzeuge, Sicherungsfahrzeuge) it is stated:

(2) Vehicles of the construction authorities, which are used as work vehicles, are to be given a lacquer in the hue of yellow-orange (RAL 2000 or RAL 2011, see DIN 30701). (Fahrzeuge der Bauverwaltungen, die als Arbeitsfahrzeuge eingesetzt werden, sollen daneben eine Lackierung im Farbton Gelborange (RAL 2000 bzw. RAL 2011; siehe DIN 30701) erhalten.)

(3) Work vehicles taking advantage of the special rights pursuant to Section 35 (6) to (8) of the Road Traffic Regulations have to bear a red-white-red safety marking in accordance with DIN 30710 "Safety marking of vehicles and equipment". (Arbeitsfahrzeuge, die Sonderrechte nach § 35 Abs. 6 bis 8 StVO in Anspruch nehmen, müssen eine rot-weiß-rote Sicherheitskennzeichnung nach DIN 30710 "Sicherheitskennzeichnung von Fahrzeugen und Geräten" tragen.)

This explains the typical orange color, which is often seen in road construction vehicles.
2017-10-28 at 08:49

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