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Why do I have 2 different Internet Speeds at the same Location?

Question by Guest | 2018-01-27 at 20:39

My Samsung Galaxy Edge (Vodafone contract) always displays H or H+ at the same location, while my Galaxy Grand Prime (prepaid) is already showing 4G.

What can this be?

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That can have different reasons. If one device displays 4G but the other does not go beyond H+, we must first rule out that the smartphone is LTE capable at all and LTE is also enabled in the Networks settings. The Edge should handle the standard LTE, so check your network settings (see here for an instruction).

In addition, it can also be the contract. Some contracts do not include LTE and in those cases the phone can be the best phone out there and you can just nevertheless get no 4G.

Ultimately, however, the device always decides itself which network it thinks is the best at the moment and where a connection can even be made. We have little influence on that, unless you select "LTE only" in the settings mentioned above.
2018-01-27 at 21:06

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