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Why is "weeding" with gas burners allowed?

Question by Guest | 2018-04-24 at 14:18

I think it is one of the worst, most perfidious and at the same time easiest to avoid environmental pollution of private households - weeding with the help of a gas burner!

My neighbor is one of those representatives who do not want to stoop to weed. Instead, a gas burner is brought out and for hours plant after plant is charred in his driveway. And that takes time. It takes a while until a plant has lost the last green and is lying low. And then comes the next!

I do not want to know how much gas is wasted on such an action! Gas with which you could cook, gas with which you could drive, gas that our children will miss later!

I wonder how such a thing can be allowed and how somebody can dismantle his plants in this way without having a guilty conscience! That had to get out.


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