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Windows: How to turn off Clicking Sounds when changing Folders

Question by Guest | 2023-11-13 at 12:36

Each time I open a new folder in Windows Explorer there is a horrible click sound! This is driving me crazy! These clicking noises are unbearable, especially when doing a long navigation or searching through many folders!

Can this noise be turned off somehow? I am thankful for every help!

3Best Answer3 Votes

Yes, the click sound can easily be switched off in the Windows system settings.

You can find the settings for this in the dialog "Sound":

  1. Open the Control Panel and then go to “Sound” or “Change System Sounds”. In the category view of the control panel, this item can be found under “Hardware and Sound”.
  2. Alternatively, you can also find the dialog via the Windows settings "Sound > More Sound Settings / Related Settings / Sound Control Panel" (depending on Windows version).
  3. It opens a dialog with several tabs. Here you select the tab "Sounds".
  4. At the bottom you'll see a box labeled "Program Events". In this box you scroll almost all the way down to the item "File Explorer".
  5. Below you will find the points “Complete Navigation” and “Start Navigation”. These are the two troublemakers!
  6. Select each of these items individually and under the box, in the section "Sounds", select "(None)".
  7. Then click "OK" to save these settings.

Of course, you can also use this dialogue to give these or other events a different individual tone according to your own taste. Just let the list of program events inspire you, even when it comes to getting rid of other annoying system sounds.
2023-11-13 at 21:27

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