22 Votes

Is Womens Carnival Day a public holiday in Germany?

Question by Guest | 2024-02-02 at 13:04

Soon, there will be Womens Carnival Day (Altweiber, Weiberfastnacht, Weiberfasching) in Germany again and of course, as a fool, I can hardly wait.

But every year there is always the same discussion in our company: Is it a public holiday / nonbusiness day? Or do we have to take a vacation?

3Best Answer3 Votes

Even though in the carnival strongholds the women's carnival is more important than many other "real" holidays, "Altweiber" have not yet made it into law. Therefore:

Womens Carnival Day is not an official public holiday / nonbusiness day in Germany.

This means that the legal provisions of a normal working day apply. How things are handled in your company and whether you get time off is of course the individual matter of your boss, but it's not officially.

The dates for Women’s Carnival can be found here. And if anyone should stand the gaff until then - also Rose Monday is not a public holiday in Germany either.
2024-02-02 at 19:16

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