PHP: Check Strings with Ctype-Functions for Character Classes
Article by Stefan Trost | Last update on 2021-05-10 | Created on 2012-06-16
If you want to test the characters of a string and check whether these consist only of a certain class of characters (letters, digits, etc), you will mostly use regular expressions.
However, regular expressions are in several respects not an ideal solution. First, they require a lot of effort in programming. They are bulky in the code and quickly it comes to a mistake. Secondly, the performance of such functions is not very good, since some steps are necessary to interpret a code using a regular expression and the interpreter cannot apply native implementations all the way.
Especially for the most common tests as only letters, only numbers, or only numbers and letters, a number of implemented PHP functions make sense, that I would like to introduce in this article, and that are still relatively rare applied in practice.
We are talking about the Ctype functions that were directly written and optimized in C, and therefore they are providing a lot more better performance than all other solutions like regular expressions and all forms of is_int(), is_string() and so on.
In the following, I want to present you all ctype functions and the character classes, for which they can be used. It is worth mentioning here, that you can change the described classes via the locale settings with the function setlocale(). But that would go at this point too far.
Check for Letters (ctype_alpha)
if (ctype_alpha($string)) { echo 'Only Letters'; } ctype_alpha('AzUiL') //true ctype_alpha('A bCX') //false
The function ctype_alpha() tests whether the given string consists only of letters. It returns true if the string contains only lowercase or uppercase letters from A to Z. Once a character is not a small or capital letter of this range, ctype_alpha() returns false.
Check for Digits (ctype_digit)
if (ctype_digit($string)) { echo 'Only Digits'; } ctype_digit('12345') //true ctype_dight('12,45') //false ctype_digit('ABC12') //false
The function ctype_digit() is only true if all characters of the provided string are only digits. Once a character is not a digit, it is false. Accordingly even a string like "1.2" or "1,2" returns false.
Check for Letters and Numbers (ctype_alnum)
if (ctype_alnum($string)) { echo 'Only Digits or Letters'; } ctype_alnum('12345') //true ctype_alnum('AzazO') //true ctype_alnum('12AT9') //true ctype_alnum('su.78') //false
The function ctype_alnum() returns true if the string is only made of the characters A to Z, a to z and 0 to 9, so it may occur digits and letters. Once a character is not falling into this class, it returns false.
Lowercase and Uppercase Letters (ctype_lower/upper)
if (ctype_lower($string)) { echo 'Only Lowercase'; } if (ctype_upper($string)) { echo 'Only Uppercase'; } ctype_lower('AzAzU') //false ctype_lower('azazu') //true ctype_upper('ABCD8') //false ctype_upper('IUAOP') //true
If you want to check, whether a string contains only the lowercase letters a to z, you can use the function ctype_lower(). The function ctpye_upper() can be used to check, whether a string consists only of the uppercase letters A to Z.
Check for Printable Characters
if (ctype_graph($string)) { echo 'Printable, but not a space'; } if (ctype_print($string)) { echo 'Printable, no spaces'; } ctype_graph('abc123#+*-.!') //true ctype_graph('abc\n\r\t') //false ctype_graph('abc abc 123') //false ctype_print('abc123#+*-.!') //true ctype_print('abc\n\r\t') //false ctype_print('abc abc 123') //true
With the help of the functions ctype_graph() and ctype_print(), you can determine whether a string contains only printable characters. Printable characters are characters that actually cause an output, so for example letters, numbers, special characters such as visible dots, exclamation points, and so on. False is returned, if at least one of the characters is not visible, such as control characters, line breaks and tabs.
The difference between ctype_graph() and ctype_print() is how to deal with spaces. In the case of ctype_graph(), false is returned when spaces appear in the string, in the case of ctype_print() true is returned when there are spaces in the string and all other characters are printable.
Whitespaces, Special Characters and Control Characters
if (ctype_cntrl($string)) { echo 'Only control characters'; } if (ctype_punct($string)) { echo 'No letters / numbers / spaces'; } if (ctype_space($string)) { echo 'Only whitespace'; } ctype_cntrl('abc\n123') //false ctype_cntrl('\n\r\t') //true ctype_punct('abcdef!') //false ctype_punct('#+*-.!') //true ctype_space(' ') //true ctype_space('/n/t') //true ctype_space('abc/nab 1') //false
The function ctype_cntrl() checks whether the string only consists of control characters. It returns true if only tabs, line breaks, and other control characters are included in the string. If other characters occur in the string, it returns false.
With ctype_punct(), it can be verified that the string contains only characters such as dots, brackets, exclamation marks and so on, which you can print. It returns false, if the string contains letters, numbers, spaces, or non-printable characters such as line breaks and similar characters.
The function ctype_space() can be used to test a string, whether it consists of characters that create some form of space. These are, for example, tabs, normale spaces and line breaks.
Check for Hexadecimal Digits (ctype_xdigit)
if (ctype_xdigit($string)) { echo 'Is Hexadecimal Digit'; } ctype_xdigit('A09BC81') //true ctype_xdigit('af179d') //true ctype_xdigit('AP12222') //false
The function ctype_xdigit() can check a string to see whether it is a hexadecimal digit. Such a figure can only include the digits 0 to 9 and the letters A to F. It makes sense to use ctype_digit(), for example, to check whether a user input is really a color value in hexadecimal notation.
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