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Absolute path of a web site on the web space?

Question by Chematik | 2013-08-25 at 21:01

I am trying to create a protected directory on my webspace with the help of an .htaccess file. However, at the moment, I do not know how to proceed, because the server apparently cannot find the file .htuser that is necessary for the user and password information.

On the internet, I have read, that you have to specify the absolute path to the .htuser file on your web space in the .htaccess file to make it work.

But how can I determine the absolute path on my webspace? Can I read that out somewhere?

1Best Answer1 Vote

There are several ways to determine the absolute path on your webspace.

Simply create an arbitrary text filesuch as "path.php" with one of the following contents and invoke it on your webspace. With

echo getcwd();

you can directly output the absolute path. More information provides the phpinfo function


with whitch you can find the absolute path under DOCUMENT_ROOT in the section Enviroment. With


you can also directly access to this variable.

All of these functions are returning the absolute path to the place from which the script was called or the place where you have stored the file with the script on your webspace.
Last update on 2020-08-21 | Created on 2013-08-26

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