22 Votes

After Update: Smartphone Battery goes crazy

Question by Guest | Last update on 2023-02-26 | Created on 2013-10-20

Recently, I have updated my Samsung Galaxy phone. Unfortunately, the time of joy about the new features only was very short!

The reason: Since this software update, my battery is going crazy! It takes forever to recharge and the indicated percentage value about the current battery state cannot be true, it has nothing to do with the performance of my device!

What can I do to make it work again? I am already extremely regretting the update.

2Best Answer2 Votes

New smartphones are calculating the charging process and the display of the current battery state by software from different parameters. However, this presupposes that the battery and the parameters are calibrated correctly. That simply is - in easy words - that your phone needs a start point and an end point of its scale.

You can do this calibration by simply fully discharging your phone and then taking off the battery for at least 20 minutes to fully charge your phone again. The best thing is to turn your phone off while this initial charging process. Sometimes it is necessary to do a fully discharge and a fully charged even for a second time after this (without taking off the battery again).

Presumably, the necessary values ​​and parameters have been overwritten by the update, but after the calibration it should work again.
Last update on 2023-02-26 | Created on 2013-10-22

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