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Expires Header without htaccess

Question by Chematik | 2012-08-19 at 20:01

I would like to put on the pages of my website an Expires Header, so that the pages can be cached.

On the Internet, I found the following lines, which you can write into the .htaccess file, to set the Expires Header of the HTML pages to a month in the future:

ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType text/html "access plus 1 month"

Unfortunately, this is not working for me. Again, I have searched and apparently, my hosting provider prevents this manipulation.

Now, I would like to set an Expires Header, nevertheless. Are there alternatives to the solution with htaccess?

1Best Answer1 Vote

As an alternative to the htaccess solution, you can also work directly with PHP. Just write following PHP code at the beginning of each page:

header('Expires: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', 
time() + 60));

The number at the back (here 60) is the time in seconds. For one month, accordingly, it would be 2592000 seconds.

It is important, that you call header() before there was any other output for the browser. Otherwise, it will give an error message.

The nice thing about this PHP solution is also, that you can specify an individual Expires Header for each page. Thus, pages that change often can get another Expires Header than pages that never change (such as your imprint or the like).
2012-08-20 at 13:11

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