00 Votes

How can I display formulas on web pages?

Question by Guest | 2012-04-22 at 17:30

I have a small web project, where I have to present a lot of mathematical formulas on an HTML page. The first idea, that came to my mind, was to insert the formulas simply as an image file, so that they are visible to all visitors.

The problem with this: There are many formulas and I do not want to create hundreds of images, especially because that also do not allow to change the formulas in short term and without much effort.

Are there other options that are a little easier?

00 Votes

If you wish a maximum compatibility with all browsers, you will probably have no other choice than using the images as a way to display the formulas. Even if that is a lot of work.
2012-04-24 at 19:49

ReplyPositive Negative
22 Votes

The use of graphics is certainly a good idea, but the handling is very complicated with this. Alternatively, you can use one of the following JavaScript libraries:

If you use one of these libraries, you can enter the formulas in LaTeX notation and the library takes care of that the formula is displayed correctly automatically. MathJax is also used to represent formulas on askingbox.com.
2012-04-25 at 15:54

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