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How to create .htaccess file using Windows? Windows prevents me from creating a .htaccess file!

Question by Guest | 2013-09-11 at 18:41

For my website, I would like to create a .htaccess file. So far so good, but unfortunately, I am already failing while saving this file.

When trying to rename the normal text file to the name ".htaccess", Windows gives me the error message "You must type a file name". Apparently, it is not possible to create such a file in Windows.

What can I do? Can someone tell me how to create a .htaccess file using a Windows operating system?

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When renaming file names, Windows makes sure that the file name does not begin with a dot - probably because the Windows concept says that a dot has to appear between the name of the file and its extension.

Therefore, you have to work with a little "trick" here:

  1. First of all, create a new text file in an arbitrary folder.
  2. After that, open that text file using the standard Windows Text Editor.
  3. Go to "File > Save As" and save your file as ".htaccess".

The Windows Editor will not issue an error message when doing so and you have saved your file under the desired name .htaccess. That's it.
2013-09-11 at 18:43

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