00 Votes

HTML: Activate checkbox when clicked on the text aside

Question by Guest | 2011-12-22 at 15:40

I have a checkbox on an HTML form and next to it a text that describes the option. Now, when I click on this text, nothing happens.

I want, however, that the box will be checked, when I click on the text, as indeed, is the case in Windows programs. In my current solution, the checkbox can only be activated, if you use the mouse to click directly on the checkbox and that's pretty small.

Why it not working, and how can I achieve this?

11 Vote

Unfortunately, your browser can not know, which text is belonging to your checkbox. Therefore, the browser can not activate the checkbox, whenver you click on some text. With this, you can tell the browser which text belongs to your checkbox:

  <input name="cb" type="checkbox" value="1"> Text 

So, the area, located in the tag "label" will be sensitive, to be able to check the checkbox.

In addition, we should also define a appropriate cursor with CSS, because otherwise, the user might be confused when the mouse is over a clickable area does not change. Use the following statement (alternatively you can also set up a general CSS rule for your entire page), to get the right mouse pointer as it appears also with links:

<label style="cursor: pointer">
  <input name="cb" type="checkbox" value="1"> Text

Next to this method, you can also establish a relationship with a "label" in this way:

<input id="cbid" name="cb" type="checkbox" value="1">
<label for="cbid">Text</label>

With this method, you will not have to frame your whole box to make a reference. This method is particularly useful, when the elements are arranged in a table, for example, and there are other HTML tags between the individual elements.

Incidentally, you can also use the label-tag for textareas or input fields. Thus, with a click on the label area and the text, you can set the focus to the related input area and also blind people can see, which field is belonging to which text (keyword accessible Internet).
2011-12-24 at 18:14

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