00 Votes

I want to buy a new Smartphone - Any suggestions?

Question by Guest | 2015-12-05 at 15:35


I wanna buy a new phone in Jan. I have searched alot. And I've came to some really good phones like:

1. LG V10
2. Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (I hate the Note 5)
3. Sony Xperia Z5
4. Samsung galaxy S6 active
5. HTC One M9+

Which one do you suggest me? And if you have any of these, what do you think about it?

Also, of there are any more suggestions, please let me know. Thanks! :)

00 Votes

In my opinion, you can take each of those phones, with none of them you are handling completely wrong.

However, you have listed many different manufacturers coming with a variety of different philosophies for example regarding the menu navigation and the structure.

So, have you ever had one of those phones in your hand? Or have you only searched on the Internet for the technical data? 

I suggest going to a store, where you can try out those smartphones. in my experience, one likes more the Samsung style, the other Sony, HTC or LG. So, if technically the phones are all okay, you should decide because of the handling.
2015-12-05 at 17:03

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