02 Votes

PHP: Date before X days

Question by CSchaf | Last update on 2020-10-20 | Created on 2016-11-01

Is there any possibility to calculate with dates in PHP?

I would like to subtract some days from the current date, for example to determine the date of yesterday, the date 10 days ago or the date 100 days ago. Can someone help me?

4Best Answer4 Votes

You can do that quite easy using the PHP function strtotime(). You can pass a date in text form to this function and you get a timestamp back.

You can even work with time constants such as day, week, month or year. Here are some examples for you:

$t = strtotime("-1 day");
echo date("d.m.Y", $t);

This outputs the date of yesterday, that is the date one day back in past.

$t = strtotime("-7 days");
echo date("d.m.Y", $t);

This outputs the date before one week, that is the date before seven days.

$t = strtotime("-10 days");
echo date("d.m.Y", $t);

Using this code, you get the date ten days ago.

$t = strtotime("-100 days");
echo date("d.m.Y", $t);

And using this code, you get the date one hundred days ago.
2016-11-01 at 23:52

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