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XAMPP: Call via HTTPS leads to Error 403 (Access Forbidden)

Question by Guest | 2018-04-29 at 13:32

Recently, I set up a small own server in a virtual machine using XAMPP to test my PHP and MySQL projects locally.

This worked surprisingly well and after setting up the virtual domains, I could easily access my websites via the correct URL.

However, with one exception: The pages are only accessible via HTTP, but not via HTTPS (SSL encrypted). So if I'm using a domain like http://www.example.com it is working while you can not access https://www.example.com. I only get the error 403 (Access Forbidden) displayed in the browser together with the note:

You don't have permission to access the requested directory. There is either no index document or the directory is read-protected.

How can that be? There is definitely an index document in the corresponding folder and it is all working with HTTP, too. What can I do?

0Best Answer0 Votes

In order to be able to access your projects via HTTPS in the browser, you must first set up an SSL certificate on your Apache server. By itself, XAMPP does not do that, so you have to act manually at this point.

How this works is explained in the tutorial on how to set up SSL/HTTPS for local XAMPP projects.
2018-04-30 at 11:51

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