11 Vote

Firefox: Take Add-ons, Themes, Cookies, Passwords and Settings on another Computer

Tip by Computer Expert | 2012-06-06 at 21:10

Today, I want to show you an easy way, how you can move with your Firefox and all of its settings, installed addons, cookies, passwords, and themes. For example, to a different computer, in the case of a new installation or in the case of portable software to another folder on the USB flash drive or computer.

All you have to do for this, is to copy the profile-folder of your Firefox installation. In the installation folder of Firefox, there should be the directory "data" and therin the folder "profile". After your new installation of Firefox, you have to copy the complete contents of the folder "profile" from the old installation to the new one. Thereby, all files of the new installation have to be overwritten by the old files.

If you start your new Firefox after you have done this, all of your addons, open tabs and other settings should be restored.

Important! At the time when copying, Firefox may not be running! Otherwise some of the data cannot be overwritten.

00 Votes

You have saved my life! I remember the times, I have spend hours to enter all of my tabs, settings and so on from one version to the other. And always, there was the problem that I could not restore all of these settings of my addon! At some point, it was so bad, that I finished updating my Firefox to the next version.

I have to say, that I am using Firefox on my USB drive, so that I cannot use the normal update function where these problems do not matter.

But with this tip, it spend me a minute to restore all of these things and I felt home when I started my new version of Firefox. Thanks again!
2012-06-08 at 19:53

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