77 Votes

Online Uppercase - Lowercase Converter

Tool by Stefan Trost

Using this online tool, you can change the upper and lower case writing of a text, a word or a letter.

First, you have to copy or enter the text, you want to convert into the text field, then you can click on one of the buttons. With the button "Uppercase", you can change your whole input string to upper case letters, with the button "Lowercase" to lower case letters. If you only want to convert the first character of each word to its uppercase equivalent, you can use the button "First Letter" instead. Additionally, you can use the button "Clipboard" to copy the result of your conversion to the clipboard.

Tip: If you want to process the writing of multiple text files simultaneously, you can use the tool TextConverter for this purpose. Apart from that, the TextConverter can also be used for many other types of text editing purposes.


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