Types of topics on askingbox.com
Article by AskingBox Moderation
On askingbox.com, we distinguish 11 different types of topics. There are questions, votings, pro and contra discussions, tips, tutorials, infos, articles, lists, blog posts, reviews and tools. In this short article, we would like to inform you about these types and their differences, so that you know what kind of topic you can choose if you want to create own contributions.
If you would like to ask a question on askingbox.com, select "Question" as type of your contribution. A question can relate to any issue and it can then be answered by other users.
Votings and Pro Contra Discussions
Similar to questions, also votings and discussions are aimed to the active users on askingbox.com. In contrast to questions where only simple written answers are possible, in votings and discussions the opinion of the users can be determined by an election. While in votings you can enter 2 to 6 alternatives other users can vote on, in pro and contra discussions you can only vote for pro or contra or respectively choose between for and against.
Tips and Tutorials
Whenever you want to explain something to the user, for example in the case of a step by step guide or an advice, you can write a tip or a tutorial. The difference between tips and tutorials is the length. Tips are rather brief notes while tutorials are long explanations. Thus, the reader should be clear before clicking on a link of a contribution, how long and how specific the post is.
Infos and Articles
Contributions of this type include neither a question nor a guide or a tip. Rather, infos and articles are about the representation of information, news or the clarification of facts. The difference between infos and articles is, like tips and tutorials, their length. Infos are brief abstracts or summaries of a topic, articles illuminate a subject more comprehensive and in a longer and more detailed way.
Other possibilities offer the list or the collection of ideas: If you create a list, users can in addition to their normal answers add items to the list and other users can vote on them. An example of such a list would be a list of the best or most popular names for children.
Blog Posts
Blog posts will give you the opportunity to create your own blog, in which you can report on a specific topic. Blog posts have a special role in the types of topics. They are assigned to the blog of a user and they are displayed on the user page separately. Nevertheless, blog posts appear in the list of similar topics beside all other types of posts.
A review can be a test report, a critique or a simple review on a particular subject, object, product, or circumstance. When writing a review, feel free to compare different things, discuss something or express your personal opinion.
A special type of topic is the Askingbox Tool. Askingbox Tools are interactive and beyond a normal text part, they also consist of a code part. For example, the code part can show interactive information, it can be used to convert something or display anything else you can imagine on the web. Because of that alround status, Tools can only be set by admins. So, if you would like to create an Askingbox Tool, please write to us, so that we can tell you whether your idea is practicable. After that, you can write a normal article and send us the code part, so that we can set the tool online for you.
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