How to avoid Spam Mails
Tip by Collin McNeil | Last update on 2022-12-27 | Created on 2012-01-12
Spam or junk mails are an annoying problem, with that almost every internet user has and should to deal with one day. In this post, I want to give you some tips on hand, how you can avoid spam mails in the future.
- Top priority: Keep your email address secret! Do not publish your e-mail address on the Internet in blogs, posts, or on any other website, where the e-mail address can be read publicly. Certainly, the e-mail address will be found there by crawlers, searching the entire web for email addresses to find new victims for spam.
- Beware of competitions, newsletter mailers or when registering on websites or stores. Many competitions are used exclusively for the purpose of gathering contact information, here spam is almost guaranteed. Even with several shop owners, you can not be sure where your address ends. For all of these opportunities, you should always use a second, irrelevant e-mail address, where it is not so important, when it comes in the wrong hands. If you use an separate address for all the registrations, the main address remains spared from spam. In addition, you can simply change the separate address, whenever it has become to too much spam.
- Your e-mail address should only be passed to confidential persons, for example, to your near friends. But you have to be careful with friends, who often send e-mails with long lists of TO or CC, so that all email addresses are visible to all recipients. These lists are also found fodder for spammers. On this theme, here's a little tip from me.
- If you are the owner of an own website, you should not use addresses in the form of mail@.. or info@.. at all. Since almost all webmasters use such addresses, here the probability is very high that spammers simply try to add "mail" or "info" to arbitrary Internet addresses and you get the spam accordingly. Likewise, spam distributors, also try to combinate name lists with domains. So, if you are using common names in addition to your domain, there is a great chance to get spam. Again, unusual e-mail addresses can help here.
- In your e-mail box, you should pay attention to activate or install a spam filter in any case. Apart from this tips in my list, this filter can also keep away many spam mails.
Your email address is already contaminated?
Is your e-mail inbox already overflowing with spam? In this case, you should better create a new e-mail address and follow the above tips from the start.
Because it is nearly impossible to free an already tainted e-mail address from spam again. Your address is surely already contained in countless directories, spammers are using and the deletion from those lists is usually completely hopeless. Even if you're trying to communicate directly with the sender of the mail, you will in most cases have no success. The sender usually sit abroad and will not respond to your mail anyway.
Actually, responses are a good way for those people to verify your address, so that they can sell your address for an even higher price. That only means: even more spam in future!
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