Program in ZIP-Folder
Info by Stefan Trost | 2015-03-22 at 11:40
When running one of our applications, it may happen, that the following warning is displayed: "Apparently, the program file is still located in the ZIP archive. This may cause that not all program functions can be executed correctly. Please unzip the program from the ZIP folder and start the unpacked program again afterwards."
But what does this warning alert mean? And what do you have to do after this message occurred? We want to answer these questions in this information.
We are delivering our software in ZIP files. ZIP files or ZIP archives are similar to ordinary folders on the computer. However, ZIP archives have the advantage, that they are compressed and therefore require less space and that they can be treated like a single file. Thus, you can easily bundle multiple files in only one ZIP file, for example in order to send them together. In other words, such archives are the perfect way to download software files from the Internet.
Additionally, in contrast to other archive formats, most operating systems are automatically supporting ZIP files and therefore you do not need any additional software to open ZIP files. This made our decision to use the ZIP format.
Files and Applications in ZIP-Archives
A slight disadvantage of a ZIP archive is, that in a first step, you should unpack the archive before working with the containing files. Despite many files can be opened directly from the ZIP archive, this can result in errors afterwards, for example when trying to save changes on the files.
The same applies to applications that still stored within a ZIP files. For instance, one problem is, that a program does not have access to the own directory, if the program file is located in a ZIP archive. This can be necessary, for example, if the program would like to read or write configuration files, settings or other files that are required during runtime. And exactly who this is the reason, why we are displaying the warning mentioned above, when the program apparently has not been extracted from its ZIP archive. In this case, usually, it is even possible to open the program, but you cannot use all functions of the application - for example the storage of settings may be impossible.
Hence, we recommend to always unpack the program files before using the application.
Extract ZIP-Files
Usually, you do not need special or additional programs to be able to extract ZIP files. In most cases, it is sufficient to right click onto the ZIP file and to select "Extract", "Extract All", "Unpack", "Unzip" or something like that from the opening context menu. After that, you can choose a directory in which the files from the archive should be saved. Following, you can open and normal use the program from this folder.
Apart from that, you can also use third party applications such as 7-Zip to extract or unzip ZIP archives.
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