44 Votes

Top 10 of the World's most widely spoken Languages

Info by Interest | Last update on 2020-10-05 | Created on 2013-08-19

In this table I have compiled the top 10 of the world's most widely spoken and used languages.

The total number of speakers is the sum of the number of mother tongue speakers and those who have learned the language as a second language.

PlaceLanguageSpeakerNative SpeakerSecond Language
1English1500 mio340 mio1160 mio
2Chinese1100 mio980 mio120 mio
3Hindi580 mio400 mio180 mio
4Spanish450 mio390 mio60 mio
5Arabic380 mio320 mio60 mio
6French370 mio120 mio250 mio
7Russian280 mio160 mio120 mio
8Portuguese250 mio220 mio30 mio
9Bengali230 mio210 mio20 mio
10German180 mio100 mio80 mio

Certainly, it is not a surprise that the first place is reserved for the English language. However, there it is interesting to have a look at the number of the native and the second language speakers. If looking only at the native speakers, English only has the fourth place behind Chinese, Hindi and Spanish.

All data is specified in millions of speakers and of course, the values are given without any guarantee. If you are looking at different websites on the Internet or in various books, you will find very different information about the number of speakers. Of course, this is because no one can exactly say how many speakers at particular language has. Therefore, such values can only give approximate information about the magnitude.


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