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Adobe Reader would like to save changes to PDF although nothing was changed

Question by Mandy | 2014-03-05 at 03:23

I had a look at one PDF document using Adobe Reader which was working as usual without any problems.

However, the situation became strange, when I was about to close the Adobe Reader after looking at the PDF. The reason was, I got a dialog stating "Do you want to save changes to ... before closing?".

In other words, the application asked me, whether I would like to save modifications on the PDF like I would try to close an edited Word document without saving my changes before.

However, my Adobe Reader is not even suitable to edit any files and also, I have not tried to change the PDF in any way. Even if I only open the PDF in order to close the reader immediately after that, I get this strange message.

Does someone know what the reason for this behavior could be and what I can do now?

-1Best Answer1 Vote

I also had this same message some time ago. The message is an indication for that the PDF document is damaged (for example incorrect references within the file).

In this case, the Adobe Reader is trying to repair the document and this makes the changes that are mentioned in the message. That is why, you get a message at the end whether you would like to safe those modifications.

A remedy for this problem, of course, is a correct PDF file.
2014-03-06 at 22:11

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