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On AskingBox since 2011-11-08 | 5 Questions | 8 Articles | 27 Answers | 14 best Answers


Last Comments by Axuter

Not long ago, I had a similar problem and I managed to solve it in the following way: My website is UTF-8 encoded...

Question | Diacritics and Unicode Characters no longer displayed correctly after PHP Switch

The keyboard shortcut CMD + DEL is not referring to the DEL key that you know from Windows. Instead, the backspace key...

Question | Mac OS X: Shortcut CMD + DEL is not working

Since "text/ini" is not an official MIME type is, I would definitely tend to "text/plain". That there are...

Question | MIME Type of INI Files

In order to stop a print job on Mac OS X, you can proceed as follows: Go to the Print Center. You can find...

Question | Stopping a Print Run/Print Job on Mac OS X

To a Windows user, I would explain the Dock as a mixture of start menu and taskbar. The Dock is the...

Question | What's the Dock on Apple Computers?

And if you only have one checkbox, it is even much more easier to implement: ...

Tutorial | jQuery: Disable Submit Button if no Checkbox is selected