00 Votes

Cordova only creates Debug APK (android-debug.apk)

Question by Guest | 2016-10-30 at 18:26

I have written an HTML5 App using Cordova and now I would like to create my App or APK for testing it on my smartphone.

For this, I have executed the following command via the terminal in the project directory:

cordova build android

However, this command only seems to create a Debug-APK. At least I can only find a file named android-debug.apk in the output folder \platforms\android\build\outputs\apk after compiling.

I assume that this file is not intended for release or publishing it. Indeed, it is working on my phone, but it seems not to be the end version because of that name. How to create a Cordova App without debug addition?

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Instead of "cordova build android" you have to use the command "cordova build android --release". So, you just have to prepend "--release" as a parameter behind your command.

Thereby, instead of creating "android-debug.apk" the APK "android-release-unsigned.apk" will be created.

However, before releasing, the app has to be signed. You can find some instructions here.
2016-10-30 at 21:26

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