00 Votes

Cordova Release APK not working

Question by Guest | 2016-09-21 at 10:02

Up to now, for creating my apps, I have always worked with Android Studio. Now, I had a look at Cordova to see how to create an HTML 5 app.

The installation run through without any programs and also my first hello world application was rapidly created, it was running in the browser without any problems.

However, the first problems occurred when trying to use my new app on the smartphone.

  • When using the command "cordova build android" for creating the app, I get an APK named "android-debug.apk". This program is working on my smartphone.
  • However, when trying the "real" command "cordova build android --release", it is not working anymore. The result is an APK called "android-release-unsigned.apk" which I could not make running on my phone.

What can I do? I do not want to have a "debug"-app, but otherwise it seems not to work.

0Best Answer0 Votes

To make your release app run, you have to sign it. You can find instructions for that on that page in the Android Developer Portal.

The signature is required at latest when you want to put your app into the Play Store. However, if you only want to create an application for your own, you can also just use the debug app without signing.
2016-09-21 at 21:15

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