00 Votes

Delphi: Command Line Parameters within the IDE?

Question by Guest | 2012-10-22 at 15:09

I'm working on a program that is operable with parameters via the command line. The development, however, proves to be extremely complicated and time consuming, because I have to run the program from the command line after compiling again and again, rather than testing the program directly out of the Delphi IDE.

Are there any ways to pass parameters directly in the Delphi IDE to run and use the application? This would make it much more easier.

0Best Answer0 Votes

It is possible, you can set the parameters directly from the IDE:

  • Just go to "Run > Parameters" via the menu of the IDE.
  • In the field appearing in the dialog window, you can just write the parameters as you would also type them into the command line.

For example, "param1 param2" to pass "param1" and "param2" to the program.

If you have set this, the program will start after compiling with these parameters. The parameters are not stored in the EXE, so that the program itself remains identical.
2012-10-23 at 15:17

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