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5.941 Points


On AskingBox since 2012-05-03 | 31 Articles | 110 Answers | 91 best Answers


My programming language is Delphi. On Askingbox, I will engage myself in Delphi topics. Occasionally, I will post some Delphi tips and I will try to help answer Delphi-related questions. Of course, most of the code can also be used for Lazarus if you program with Lazarus instead of Delphi.

If you have questions regarding Delphi programming, just post them on Askingbox and do not write to me personally. Then other users will also benefit from the answers.


Last Comments by Delphian

I have corrected it. Thank you very...

Question | Delphi/Lazarus: Extract Day, Month and Year from DateTime-Format

Thank you very much for reporting that issue. It must be bmp not c, I have corrected that error in the example...

Question | Delphi/Lazarus: Specify TextWidth and TextHeight without Canvas

Then it's probably something else. For example, have you forgotten to set KeyPreview to...

Question | Delphi: Function keys like F1, F2 and F3 do not work in FormKeyDown event

There are many ways for doing that. One way is to use the function FormatFloat. You can rewrite your code to: ...

Question | Delphi: Format Numeric Output with 2 Decimal Places

This error message typically occurs when you call some procedure not on an instance of a class but on a class...

Question | Delphi Error with Form.Hide and Form.Show: This Form of Method Call only allowed for Class Methods

Statements like that are always written between begin and end. What do you mean with under the procedure? The...

Question | Delphi/Lazarus: How to scroll already when moving the scrollbar