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Delphi/Lazarus: Convert Year, Month and Day to DateTime-Format

Question by Guest | 2015-12-02 at 17:42

I have an individual integer variable for year, month and day. I would like to create a date in the TDateTime format out of this values and convert them accordingly.

Is this possible using Delphi or Lazarus?

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That is possibly without any problems in Delphi as a well as in Lazarus. We are using the function EncodeDate for this. Here is a small example.

uses DateUtils;

  ADate: TDateTime;
  AYear, AMonth, ADay: integer;

  ADay   := 1;
  AMonth := 1; 
  AYear  := 2000; 

  ADate  := EncodeDate(AYear, AMonth, ADay);


We have some variables for the year, the day and the month and we are using EncodeDate in order to make a date out of the values and to store the data in a TDateTime variable. After that, we are showing the new dates using ShowMessage().
2015-12-02 at 19:47

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