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Delphi/Lazarus: Difference between ParamStr(0) and Application.ExeName

Question by Compi | Last update on 2024-01-12 | Created on 2016-06-07

Not long ago, I have asked the question how to determine the application folder or the path to the own application respectively how to get the name of the EXE file of the own application.

Both can be solved using Application.ExeName as a well as Paramstr(0).

So far as I have understood this, ParamStr(0) and Application.ExeName seem to be the same. But where is the difference? And why do we need two functions doing the same?

And which of those functions should I use better? Are there any advantages or disadvantages speaking for the one or the other of them?

3Best Answer3 Votes

In fact, both functions are identical. Application.ExeName even calls ParamStr(0) internally (at least this applies for Windows or Linux applications, Lazarus on Darwin is doing a bit more).

For Application.ExeName, you have to add the unit Forms to make it work, for ParamStr(0), you only need the System unit. So, if you should create an application without Form (without graphical user interface / GUI), you should better user ParamStr(0) instead of including the unit Forms only for that single function.

If you already have included the unit Forms, for Windows or Linux it does not matter. However, you are saving the additional function call with taking ParamStr(0). On MacOS I would rather tend to Application.ExeName if you need some of the additional code.

In doubt, I would recommend taking ParamStr(0) for that task.
Last update on 2024-01-12 | Created on 2016-06-07

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