00 Votes

Delphi/Lazarus: Fully Expand or Collapse TreeView

Question by Guest | 2013-11-22 at 21:48

I am using a TTreeView in my program and I would like to write a function that automatically pops out all the items of the TreeView and another function that ensures that all branches are closed.

Various attempts to navigate through the TreeView and to use the Expand() command on several nodes have not led to a result.

I hope someone can help me here.

1Best Answer1 Vote

Nothing is easier than that. You do not have to care about a function navigating through all items.

Just use


to unfold all branches and


to close all branches again.
2013-11-25 at 13:13

ReplyPositive Negative
11 Vote

If you still want to use your Expand function, you can of course also do:

if TreeView1.Items[0] <> nil then


if TreeView1.Items.GetFirstNode <> nil then 

In case that the first item of the TreeView is set (otherwise there would be an exception), we are executing the Expand() operation on this first TreeView-Node. The "true" ensures that all other branches hanging on that node are expanded. If we pass "false", only the node is expanded, on which we have executed the Expand.
2013-11-26 at 22:08

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