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Delphi/Lazarus: Panel with Scroll Bars

Question by Guest | 2016-10-31 at 10:12

I have placed some controls and input fields on a TPanel in my application. However, after my last enhancement of the program, the place on the Panel is becoming increasingly smaller.

Therefore, my idea was to make the Panel scrollable somehow. Is there any possibility to show vertical or horizontal scrollbars on the Panel so that the user can scroll if there is not enough place to show the full content?

1Best Answer1 Vote

Instead of your TPanel, you should just use a TScrollBox.

The Panel does not have scroll bars by itself, while the ScrollBox is exactly designed for this purpose. A ScrollBox can otherwise be used exactly like a Panel, with the only difference that additionally you can add one scroll bar or two if you want.
2016-11-01 at 09:21

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