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Delphi/Lazarus: Set ModalResult without Button programmatically

Question by Guest | 2015-12-14 at 19:07

I am using a Form containing two buttons setting the ModalResult to mrOk or mrCancel. That is working perfectly. I am showing the form calling ShowModal and whenever the user clicks on one of the buttons, the window closes automatically and I can evaluate the result.

Now, I also want to allow the user to not only click on the button in order to close the window, but also to use a keyboard shortcut to do so. For this, I have set KeyPreview to true in the forms properties and I have defined the following procedure.

procedure TForm2.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; 
   Shift: TShiftState);

  if key = ord(#13) then begin
     ModalResult := mrOk;


The invocation is done in the following way:

if Form2.ShowModal = mrOk then begin
   // Code after Okay
end else begin
   // Code after Cancel

Unfortunately, this is not working at all. The ModalResult always remains mrNone although I have set it to mrOk. What am I doing wrong here?

0Best Answer2 Votes

The problem is calling Close. Instead, you should just omit Close. So, you can change your code to that:

if key = ord(#13) then begin
   ModalResult := mrOk;

That worked in my tests. The form nevertheless closes automatically, you do not have to care about that in your code.
2015-12-14 at 20:04

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