00 Votes

Difference between Expires and Cache-Control Header

Question by Guest | 2012-01-27 at 10:29

I would be interested in, what is the difference between the two HTML headers "Expires" and "Cache-Control".

To me, it appears as if both mean the same thing, only the notation is different. But what sense does it make to distinguish between the two?

2Best Answer2 Votes

The two headers were defined in two different HTTP specifications. Expires in the HTTP/1.0 definition, Cache-Control in the HTTP/1.1 definition.

As far as I know, the two really tell us the same thing, but perhaps there are browsers understanding only one of the two. So, I would always specify both.

Actually, it should not result in any problems, if you specify both. However, Cache-Control is preferred before Expires.
2012-01-29 at 10:38

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