00 Votes

Do I have to tell my doctor that I'm smoking?

Question by Guest | 2019-03-08 at 12:52

My doctor is sometimes quite curious and asks me questions, which in my opinion have nothing to do with the diagnosis.

For example, he recently asked me if I was a smoker. I said no, of course, although in fact I smoke about a box a day.

For me smoking has nothing to do with the actual diagnosis, so I can say what I want! Why does my doctor ask me something like that?

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Apart from the fact that your doctor can probably read off the box every day by the smell of your clothes, it is absolutely necessary that you stay here with the truth.

Even if smoking is not related to the diagnosis in your opinion, your doctor will probably already have his reason why he asked.

Smoking is poison for the body and makes you much more susceptible to diseases and infections. I do not even want to start with cancer and thrombosis. Therefore, it is important that the doctor can include this fact in his diagnosis. The less information you give the doctor about your condition, the worse the diagnosis and also the treatment will be.
2019-03-09 at 11:41

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