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Hide HTML Source Code

Question by Guest | 2014-01-06 at 10:11

Recently, I have launched my new website. It was a lot of work to create and design it and to write all of the HTML and CSS code. Unfortunately, currently, you only have to click with the right mouse button on my homepage and already there appears the possibility to view and copy all of my page source.

Now I'm afraid that someone could steal my ideas. How can I hide the source code from the evil eyes of my visitors and make it completely invisible?

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Short answer: It is not possible.

Your page can only be displayed correctly, if the browser can read the HTML and possible additional CSS or JavaScript files. Therefore, you have no chance to securely hide your source code.

And if we are completely honest, when creating your website, you have surely looked into the code of some other site operators and probably, you have also copied some code, or not? So, that is just the Internet. Anyway, only your HTML/JS/CSS-Code and so on is visible. It should remain hidden to your visitors how your PHP is coded and how your database is looking like.

Although the net offers many solutions made for hiding your sauce, none of those solution will help seriously professionals from the decryption. For example, you can remove all spaces and line breaks from the code that makes the code unreadable for people who do not know. But nevertheless, modern browsers are able to show the code well formatted.

Other solutions are encrypting the entire site code using JavaScript in order to decrypt it when calling the webpage. But also this can easily circumvented by just self-decrypting the page. On the other hand, this procedure is making more problems than it solves. So, which search engine should be able to deal with such a code and what about people who deactivated Java Script in their browsers?
2014-01-06 at 20:57

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