22 Votes

How to find a Name for a Story Character or Location

Question by Guest | Last update on 2022-03-15 | Created on 2016-06-25

I love writing books. However, its is always hard and difficult for me to find well fitting names.

Let it be the name of my protagonist, various minor or secondary characters of my book or even the locations, rivers and countries of my fantasy stories. Somehow I never come to something sensible to write.

Does someone have any idea what I can do at this point? What do you do when searching for the perfect name?

1Best Answer1 Vote

When I am searching for a name for my hero or the name of the next location in one of my stories, usually, I am using the tool Word Creator when I am not immediately coming to an idea.

This tool can create random and readable words. You only have to click the button "Create" to do so and straightaway as much words as you want will be created. I am usually clicking again and again on this button until a good and fitting name appears in the list and I get the feeling that this is THE name. Doing so is a real good possibility to get inspiration.

By the way, you can optionally impact the creation process in the WordCreator like you want. For example, you can change the used characters and syllables or write your own ones to the creation list. If I know that a specific character should appear in each case in the word or even at a specific word position like the beginning or something like that, I can configure the program so that I really only get to the words I need.

The program is available for Windows, macOS and Linux for free.
Last update on 2022-03-15 | Created on 2016-06-26

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