22 Votes

Lazarus Application not running on Linux

Question by Guest | Last update on 2023-11-01 | Created on 2016-06-05

Up to now, I have only created programs for Windows. On Windows, my applications created with Lazarus are running without any problems.

Now, I have tried to compile one program on Linux. What wonder, I had not to change anything on my source code, the program immediately worked!

However, only on my computer! I have tried to run the compiled file on another Linux computer, but there, I only got error messages:

"Could not display ProgramName. There is no application installed for executable files." on the desktop and "Permission denied" on the terminal.

What can I do to make the application run?

2Best Answer2 Votes

Probably, the program file is not marked as executable.

To change this, go in the terminal to the directory in which your program file is located and run the following command there:

chmod +x ProgramName

If you want to learn more about what is behind "chmod +x", you can have a look at the question why a batch script is not running automatically on Linux. There you can find an explanation.

If you want to pass programs for Linux to others in future, you should think about packing your program as DEB or RPM package. With this, your program can directly be installed and uninstalled with the Linux package manager and you do not have to care about the "chmod + x" thing.
Last update on 2023-11-01 | Created on 2016-06-06

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00 Votes

Thank you so much! This was the error! Now it is working without any problems!

I will think about the packages thing!
2016-06-06 at 20:13

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