00 Votes

Lazarus: Only make specific columns editable in StringGrid

Question by Guest | 2016-02-13 at 16:27

I am using the component TStringGrid in Lazarus and via the property Options -> goEditing I have set that the user is allowed to edit and change the cell content of the StringGrid .

Now, I would like to reach somehow that not all columns can be edited. Unfortunately, I can only find properties allowing or disallowing all columns at once. How can I adjust that more precise?

2Best Answer2 Votes

The StringGrid has the property Columns, where you can add new columns. Each column also has the property "ReadOnly", with which you can control, whether you can only read the content of the cell or if you can even change it.

Set this property for all columns for which you would like to disallow editing to TRUE or to FALSE otherwise.
2016-02-13 at 17:38

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