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Linux: Program file not found although existing (No such file or directory)

Question by Guest | 2018-01-17 at 16:20

I have downloaded an executable binary file from the Internet and I want to run it on my Linux system (Ubuntu).

Unfortunately, I always get the error message "No such file or directory" (file or directory not found) if I want to execute the file.

I have marked the file as executable with "chmod + x" and if I enter "ls" in the Terminal, it is also displayed and the x for executable is set. Nevertheless, it does not work!

How can Linux not find the file if it is even displayed one line in the Terminal before? And how can I run the program?!

0Best Answer0 Votes

With this error message, there are many indications that you are using a 64-bit Linux and the program has been compiled for a 32-bit system.

To be able to run such programs on a 64-bit Linux, you need the library ia32-libs, which you can install on Ubuntu or Debian:

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

For other distributions, searching for "ia32" or "32bit" in the package manager probably helps to find a corresponding library.
2018-01-17 at 17:13

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