00 Votes

Minimize Photos from Digital Camera

Question by Technokrat | 2016-09-27 at 01:56

I have taken a lot of pictures with my digital camera on my last vacation. Now, I want to use the images for different purposes and I want to burn a CD with them.

However, the photos are really much too large for that, they need a way to much memory and storage space. I do not want to resize each image individually using some of my graphics software because that would be too much work. Is there any trick how to shrink and downsize all images at once in order to reduce their size?

0Best Answer0 Votes

You can just use my tool Image Resizer for that.

The application is portable and do not need any installation. You can just drag and drop all images you want to resize on to the program. After that, click on "Next" at the bottom. Here you can select your desired size (resize procentual, to a specific pixel or file size). In a last step, you can specify the storage location and the file format (if you want to change it) and that is all to save your images in a reduced size.
2016-09-27 at 13:40

ReplyPositive Negative
00 Votes

Thank you very much! It is working easily and quickly. That was the way I thought of. Compliment for that program!
2016-09-28 at 09:02

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