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Mobile Phone Browser: Website appears too small

Question by Guest | 2013-01-23 at 11:04

When visiting my website with a mobile browser of a smartphone, the experience is nasty! The home page is displayed much too small!

Normally, the site is aimed to a width of 400 pixels on the computer. Therefore, on the mobile phone, I would like to see the web page zoomed out so that it fills the full screen.

Instead, the website is displayed as if it is 1000 pixels wide - the content seems too small and unreadable! Without zooming, you can not read anything on the page!

How can I tell the mobile browser that it should zoom my site automatically to the required size?

2Best Answer2 Votes

Simply add the following line (wrapped here) to the head of your site:

<meta name="viewport" 
content="width=400, initial-scale=1">

This tells the mobile device, that your content has a width of 400 pixels and that the page should accordingly be zoomed to this width.
2013-01-23 at 18:51

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