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MySQL: Convert Unix Timestamp to Date

Question by Compi | 2016-03-10 at 12:52

I am getting a Unix Timestamp from one of my MySQL queries, that is a long number such as 1517440125 that is not really readable.

Because of that, I would like to transform this number into a readable format or a real date before reading out. I know the MySQL command UNIX_TIMESTAMP() with which you are able to convert a date into a Unix Timestamp, but isn't there any function to reverse that?

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Yes, there is a function.

It is called FROM_UNIXTIME and you can use it with or without parameter.


-> '2018-02-01 00:08:45'

Without parameter the result will be this format. If you want to determine your own format, you can pass the formatting as parameter:

SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(1517440125, '%d.%m.%Y %H%i%s');

-> '01.02.2018 00:08:45'

As you can see, %d is standing for the day, %m for the month, %Y for the year and so on. You can use other characters between those placeholders like points or spaces as you can see in the example.
2016-03-10 at 14:23

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